Author, Andrew Sheldon
Global Mining Investing is a reference eBook to teach investors how to think and act as investors with a underlying theme of managing risk. The book touches on a huge amount of content which heavily relies on knowledge that can only be obtained through experience...The text was engaging, as I knew the valuable outcome was to be a better thinker and investor.
While some books (such as Coulson’s An Insider’s Guide to the Mining Sector) focus on one particular commodity this book (Global Mining Investing) attempts (and does well) to cover all types of mining and commodities.
Global Mining Investing - see store
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A1 Minerals (ASX.AAM) - best entry for gold
A1 Minerals (AAM.ASX) as previously indicated represents good buying. The current price action provides another timely entry at 24.5c. The reason being the imminent break out in gold prices. The stock is a new gold miner, it has been unhinged slightly by the Kevin Rudd tax proposal, so it should gain as Rudd removes his foot from his mouth, and replaces his red Marx Manifesto bed time reading with 'Atlas Shrugged', the best-selling novel of Ayn Rand. Hopefully Kevin has a revelation.
We can see from A1 price action that the 24c resistance now becomes support, and I am looking for a new high of around 35c, so this ought to be a good move. It is destined to come because of the rally in gold prices. The new high will attract investment funds, plus I think the AUD will be subdued since it strong gold will likely be associated with subdued economic news. The resistance for the AUD is 0.8674. The support level is around 0.8540. The back down by Rudd will however be the biggest issue. The other appeal of A1 is the prospect of some appealing gold grades. Their drilling highlighted a lot of high-grade near-surface gold. The prospect of higher than expected gold output should help the stock, as well as average down mining costs per ounce. Its a good story. There is not as much resource upside as other stocks, but with a substantial resource base, a rising gold price, the pit design will broaden, which means an expanding mineable resource. There is also the prospect of some expansion of gold resources, but not as much as the boys in Africa, which control a hundred-plus kilometres of favourable Archean geology. The A1 area though is distinctly high grade, and its already mining, so it is a good short-medium term story.
Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com
Monday, June 14, 2010
Resource rent tax back down will buoy mining stocks
The SMH Online seems to be alluding to the prospects for a backdown by Kevin Rudd on the mining tax. It is safe to say that Rudd will be sparing the precious & base metals industry. I suspect that the govt will instead target the bulk materials industries like coal, iron ore, though its fair to say he will be given a token if they are to stay happy, because those industries are the ones with all the money. The smaller metals are the one's who would be severely impacted by the tax from an operational perspective. Any news ought to have a neutralising impact on the governments prior stupidity.
The implication is that it is a really good time to re-enter mining stocks, with the expectation that Rudd will be backing out of this tax proposal with his tail between his legs. A1 Minerals I think represents good buying on that basis, as it has the most to gain from this tax. I think it has curtailed plans for an expansion of gold production after the tax was announced. It is a high grade producer, and it has broken out, and fallen back to support, i.e. previous resistance, so we can expect a move by it when Rudd announces the backdown. A1 Minerals is WA based.
Other Australian miners and project developers will of course benefit. i.e. coal seam gas producers or developers in particular. Its possible iron ore miners will concede a minor tax increase. Anyway, I do not think this tax will be going ahead as the Liberals will reject it.
Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com
Base Metals,
Coal Seam Gas,
Iron Ore,
Opposition to Resource Rent Tax
There are many issues on which I don't agree with the Liberal Party, and the same can be said for Michael Darby (Christian); however we are both opposed to bigger government, and most particularly stupid policy like this Resource Rent Tax. If you would like to register your opposition, you can do so on Facebook.
Want to know more about the issue - refer to my taxation blog. I am less interested in the details of the policy, and more interested in the more fundamental points of its moral legitimacy.
Andrew Sheldon
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
MIL Resources (MGK.ASX) - good buying
Several months ago we signalled that this was a good stock to buy....in this time it has remained in a consolidation band between 2.8-4c. At these prices the stock is only trading at cash value - if you base its value upon $3.3mil in cash and $5mil nominal value for ASX listing. The company has signalled its future direction. It has:
1. Earning a 90% stake in the Amazon Bay iron sands deposit in PNG. This is a large resource on the doorstep to Asia, which will prove particularly attractive if the Rudd government is able to adopt its Resource Rent Tax. Regardless, we believe the Rudd govt has done irreparable damage to Australia's sovereign risk rating, so we expect Chinese, Korean, Indian firms are looking at this project.
2. A 50% stake in Titan Metals: The company has a stake in a number of promising gold projects in PNG through Titan Metals. These projects are at an early stage of testing, but PNG is a highly mineralised province, and we expect some exciting results. MGK is close to completing its farm-in provisions to earn 50%, so we can expect more spending to increase this stake. This is subject to a future agreement. In recent weeks the company has announced its acquisition of a number of attractive gold projects in the northern PNG islands (New Britain area).
We see a lot of upside for investors - conservatively 300%, though as much as 1000%. Hard to say at this point....there is still no drill holes into the first gold project. The company has however extended the strike potential of its most advanced gold project from 3km to 11km.
Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com
Gold stocks set to rally
We believe gold is poised to break out very soon for new highs. We are currently seeing some consolidation. We can already see this today as people are buying up the gold stocks. I see IGR, AAM and ADU are up today. The best performers are going to be the African stocks, though they have already made significant gains, so the Australian laggards like AAM and IGR can be expected to do as well. There are a number of good gold stocks, e.g. CRE. Another nice one is RED 5 Ltd (RED.ASX).
We will of course be doing everything in our power to stop the Rudd government from taxing miners. This is pure fascism. We have witnessed the collapse of the US, and now the European economies, and now we are going to observe their efforts to tax any profits you make from investing in the only form of wealth left with any tangible value. By the way - don't think that you will be gaining. You will gain in nominal terms against a debased USD or EURO, but don't delude yourself to think that gold is any more useful today than it was a decade ago, its just that all other asset classes will be undermined by financial debasement. i.e. Demand based investments like copper, broad equities and relative investments like currencies. The solution of course is to buy gold stocks in those countries where governments are not taxing profits. The message is thus to buy stocks offshore.
The emerging financial peril might actually give Rudd the support he needs to implement this 'fascist' tax. To all those unthinking housewives, salary men and businessmen who thought the previous asset inflation was real, here is your financial reckoning.
Whilst gold stocks with Australian based projects are going to suffer from the Resource Rent Tax debacle, at least in the short term, other Australian gold stocks which have projects abroad will do well. Africa and the outer areas of China (Mongolia) and Central Asia will be hot spots, as well as PNG, so watch for announcements from these areas. i.e. Wide drilling intersections of over 2g/t. Anything over 40m is impressive, over 20m is good. The more holes the better, the more prospects/targets the better, the shallower the better. See our Mining Fundamentals eBook- I did not write it because I was bored :) If you read enough reports you get a sense of what is good..but it does take years....hence the report.
Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com
Gold stocks set to rally
We believe gold is poised to break out very soon for new highs. We are currently seeing some consolidation. We can already see this today as people are buying up the gold stocks. I see IGR, AAM and ADU are up today. The best performers are going to be the African stocks, though they have already made significant gains, so the Australian laggards like AAM and IGR can be expected to do as well. There are a number of good gold stocks, e.g. CRE. Another nice one is RED 5 Ltd (RED.ASX).
We will of course be doing everything in our power to stop the Rudd government from taxing miners. This is pure fascism. We have witnessed the collapse of the US, and now the European economies, and now we are going to observe their efforts to tax any profits you make from investing in the only form of wealth left with any tangible value. By the way - don't think that you will be gaining. You will gain in nominal terms against a debased USD or EURO, but don't delude yourself to think that gold is any more useful today than it was a decade ago, its just that all other asset classes will be undermined by financial debasement. i.e. Demand based investments like copper, broad equities and relative investments like currencies. The solution of course is to buy gold stocks in those countries where governments are not taxing profits. The message is thus to buy stocks offshore.
The emerging financial peril might actually give Rudd the support he needs to implement this 'fascist' tax. To all those unthinking housewives, salary men and businessmen who thought the previous asset inflation was real, here is your financial reckoning.
Whilst gold stocks with Australian based projects are going to suffer from the Resource Rent Tax debacle, at least in the short term, other Australian gold stocks which have projects abroad will do well. Africa and the outer areas of China (Mongolia) and Central Asia will be hot spots, as well as PNG, so watch for announcements from these areas. i.e. Wide drilling intersections of over 2g/t. Anything over 40m is impressive, over 20m is good. The more holes the better, the more prospects/targets the better, the shallower the better. See our Mining Fundamentals eBook- I did not write it because I was bored :) If you read enough reports you get a sense of what is good..but it does take years....hence the report.
Andrew Sheldon www.sheldonthinks.com
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List of ASX Listed Mining Stocks
3D RESOURCES LTD | DDD | Metals | www.3dresources.com.au/ | ||||
A-CAP RESOURCES LTD | ACB | Metals | www.acap.com.au | ||||
A1 MINERALS LTD | AAM | Metals | Au | Emerging | WA | www.a1minerals.com.au/ | |
ABM RESOURCES NL | ABU | Metals | www.abmresources.com.au | ||||
ABRA MINING LTD | AII | Metals | Au | Emerging | Africa | www.abramining.com.au/ | |
ACCENT RESOURCES NL | ACS | Metals | www.accentresources.com.au/ | ||||
ACCLAIM EXPLORATION NL | AEX | Metals | Ni | Emerging | WA | www.acclaimexploration.com.au/ | |
ACONCAGUA RESOURCES LTD | ANU | Metals | www.aconcagua.com.au/ | ||||
ACTIVEX LIMITED | AIV | ?? | www.activex.com.au/ | ||||
ADAMUS RESOURCES LTD | ADU | Metals | Au | Producer | Africa | www.adamusresources.com.au/ | |
ADELAIDE BRIGHTON LIMITED | ABC | Building | Cement | Producer | SA | www.adbri.com.au/ | |
ADELAIDE RESOURCES LTD | ADN | Metals | SA | www.adelaideresources.com.au/ | |||
ADITYA BIRLA MINERALS LIMITED | ABY | Energy | Coal | Explorer | Australia | www.adityabirlaminerals.com.au/ | |
ADMIRALTY RESOURCES NL. | ADY | Metals | Alkalis | Emerging | Chile | www.ady.com.au/ | |
ADVANCED MAGNESIUM LTD | ANM | Metals | Mg | www.am-technologies.com.au | |||
AIM RESOURCES LTD | AIM | Metals | Cu | Emerging | Africa | www.aimresources.com.au/ | |
ALBIDON LTD | ALB | Metals | Ni | Emerging | Zambia | www.albidon.com | |
ALKANE RESOURCES LTD | ALK | Metals | Au, Zr, rare earths | Emerging | NSW | www.alkane.com.au/ | |
ALLEGIANCE MINING NL | AGM | Metals | Ni | Emerging | TAS | ??? | |
ALLIANCE RESOURCES LTD | AGS | Metals | Au | www.allianceresources.com.au/ | |||
ALLIED GOLD LTD | ALD | Metals | Au | www.alliedgold.com.au/ | |||
ALLOY RESOURCES LTD | AYR | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | Laos | www.alloyres.com/ | |
ALLSTATE EXPLORATIONS NL | ALX | Metals | www.beaconsfieldgold.com.au | ||||
ALTERA RESOURCES LTD | AEA | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.alteraresources.com.au/ | |
ALUMINA LTD | AWC | Metals | Al | Producer | Worldwide | www.aluminaltd.com/ | |
AMCOR LIMITED | AMC | Packaging | Plastic. Paper | Producer | Worldwide | www.amcor.com | |
AMEX RESOURCES LIMITED | AXZ | www.amex.net.au/ | |||||
AMMTEC LIMITED | AEC | Services | Lab | Operating | Australia | www.ammtec.com.au | |
AMPELLA MINING LTD | AMX | Metals | Zn, Au | Emerging | Ghana | www.ampella.com.au/ | |
ANCHOR RESOURCES LIMITED | AHR | www.anchorresources.com/ | |||||
ANDEAN RESOURCES LTD | AND | Metals | Au | Emerging | Argentina | www.andean.com.au/ | |
ANEKA TAMBANG (PERSERO) PT | ATM | Metals | Au | Producer | Indonesia | ||
ANGLO AUSTRALIAN RESOURCES NL | AAR | www.anglo.com.au/ | |||||
ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI LTD | AGG | Metals | Au | Producer | Worldwide | www.anglogold.com/ | |
ANVIL MINING LTD | AVM | Metals | Cu, Ag | Producer | Africa | www.anvilmining.com | |
APEX MINERALS NL | AXM | Metals | Au | Emerging | China | www.apexminerals.com/ | |
APOLLO MINERALS LTD | AON | Metals | U, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Australia | www.apollominerals.com.au/ | |
AQUARIUS PLATINUM LTD | AQP | Metals | Pt, Pd | Producer | Africa | www.aquariusplatinum.com | |
ARAGON RESOURCES | AAG | Metals | Au, U, Ni | Explorer | WA | aragonresources.com.au/ | |
ARAFURA RESOURCES LTD | ARU | Metals | U, REEs, P | Explorer | WA | www.arafuraresources.com.au/ | |
ARCHER EXPLORATION LTD | AXE | Metals | U, Au, Cu | Explorer | SA | www.archerexploration.com.au | |
ARGENT MINERALS LTD | ARD | Metals | Ag, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NSW | www.argentminerals.com.au/ | |
ARGO EXPLORATION LTD | AXT | Metals | Au, Cu, U | Explorer | SA | www.argoexploration.com.au/ | |
ARGONAUT RESOURCES NL | ARE | Metals | Au, Cu, Ag, Zn | Explorer | Laos, SA | www.argonautresources.com/ | |
ARGOSY MINERALS INC | AGY | Metals | Ni, Pb, Cu, Zn, Pt | Emerging | Burundi, Canada | www.argosyminerals.com | |
ARTEMIS RESOURCES LTD | ARV | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.artemisresources.com.au/ | |
ASHBURTON MINERALS LTD | ATN | Metals | Au | Emerging | Brazil | www.ashburton-minerals.com.au/ | |
ASTRO DIAMOND MINES N.L. | ARO | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | WA | www.aro.com.au/ | |
ASTRON LTD | ATR | Metals | Zr | Processing | China | NA | |
ATHENA RESOURCES LTD | AHN | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.athenaresources.com.au | |
ATLANTIC GOLD NL | ATV | Metals | Au, diamonds | Explorer | Canada | www.atlanticgold.com.au/ | |
ATLAS IRON LTD | AGO | Metals | Fe | Emerging | Australia | www.atlasiron.com.au/ | |
ATTICUS RESOURCES LTD | ACZ | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.atticusres.com.au | |
AUDAX RESOURCES LTD | ADX | Metals | Au, Zn, Cu, Pb | Explorer | WA | www.audax.com.au/ | |
AUGUR RESOURCES LTD | AUK | Metals | Cu, Au, Ni, Co | Explorer | NSW | www.augur.com.au | |
AUGUSTUS MINERALS LTD | AUJ | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA, East Europe | www.augustusminerals.com.au | |
AURIUM RESOURCES LTD | AGU | Metals | U, Au | Explorer | WA | www.aurium.com.au/ | |
AURORA MINERALS LTD | ARM | Metals | Au | Producer | Australia | www.auroraminerals.com/ | |
AUROX RESOURCES LTD | AXO | Metals | Fe, V | Emerging | WA | www.aurox.com.au | |
AUSDRILL LIMITED | ASL | Services | Drilling | Operating | Worldwide | www.ausdrill.com.au/ | |
AUSQUEST LTD | AQD | Metals | Fe, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.ausquest.com.au/ | |
AUSSIE Q RESOURCES LTD | AQR | Metals | Mo, Cu | Explorer | Qld | www.aussieqresources.com/ | |
AUSTINDO RESOURCES CORP. NL | ARX | Metals | Au | Producer | Indonesia | www.austindoresources.com.au/ | |
AUSTPAC RESOURCES NL | APG | Metals | Technology, Ti | Explorer | Australia | www.austpacresources.com | |
AUSTRAL AFRICA RESOURCES LTD | AAF | Metals | U | Explorer | NT | www.newworldalloys.com | |
AUSTRAL GOLD LTD | AGD | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn, diamonds | Explorer | Chile, WA | www.australgold.com.au/ | |
AUSTRALASIA GOLD LTD | AAO | Metals | Au | Explorer | SA, NSW, NZ | www.australasiagold.com.au/ | |
AUSTRALASIAN RESOURCES LTD | ARH | Metals | Fe | Emerging | Australia | www.austresources.com.au/ | |
AUSTRALIA ORIENTAL MINERALS NL | AOM | Metals | Au, Sn, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NSW | www.aominerals.com.au/ | |
AUSTRALIAN GOLD INVESTMENTS LTD | AGV | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.agil.com.au | |
AUSTRALIAN MINES LTD | AUZ | Metals | Ni, Au | Mothballed | WA | www.australianmines.com.au | |
AUSTRALIAN MOTOR FINANCE GROUP LTD | AGQ | Metals | Pt, Ni, Pd | Explorer | RSA | www.bushveld-platinum.com/ | |
AUSTRALIAN ZIRCON NL | AZC | Metals | Zr | Producer | Victoria | www.auzircon.com.au | |
AUZEX RESOURCES LTD | AZX | Metals | Mo, W, Sn | Explorer | NSW, NZ, Qld | www.auzex.com | |
AVALON MINERALS LTD | AVI | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.avalonminerals.com.au | |
AVANCO RESOURCES LTD | AVB | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | Brazil | www.avancoresources.com/ | |
AVIVA CORPORATION LIMITED | AVA | Energy | Coal | Emerging | Botswana | www.avivacorp.com.au | |
AVOCA RESOURCES LTD | AVO | Metals | Au | Producer | WA | www.avocaresources.com.au/ | |
AVONLEA MINERALS LTD | AVZ | Metals | Au, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | Qld | www.avonleaminerals.com/ | |
AXG MINING LTD | AXC | Metals | U | Explorer | WA | www.axgmining.com.au/ | |
AXIOM MINING LTD | AVQ | Metals | Au, Cu, Zn, Pb | Explorer | Laos, Vietnam, Qld | www.axiom-mining.com/ | |
AZUMAH RESOURCES LTD | AZM | Metals | Au | Emerging | Africa | www.azumahresources.com.au/ | |
AZURE MINERALS LTD | AZS | Metals | Au, Mo, Cu | Emerging | Mexico | www.azureminerals.com.au/ | |
BALKANS GOLD LTD | BNL | Metals | Au | Emerging | East Europe | www.balkansgold.com.au/ | |
BANNERMAN RESOURCES LIMITED | BMN | Energy | U | Emerging | Namibia, Botswana | www.bannermanresources.com.au | |
BARRA RESOURCES LTD | BAR | Metals | Cu | Emerging | SA | www.barraresources.com.au/ | |
BASS METALS LTD | BSM | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn | Explorer | TAS, Qld | www.bassmetals.com.au/ | |
BASSARI RESOURCES LTD | BSR | Metals | Au | Explorer | Senegal | www.bassari.com.au | |
BATAVIA MINING LTD | BTV | Metals | Au | Emerging | NT | www.bataviamining.com.au/ | |
BATHURST RESOURCES LTD | BTU | Metals | Ni, Au, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.bathurstresources.com.au | |
BAUXITE RESOURCES LTD | BAU | Metals | Al | Explorer | WA | www.bauxiteresources.com.au | |
BC IRON LTD | BCI | Metals | Fe | Emerging | WA | www.bciron.com.au/ | |
BEACON MINERALS LTD | BCN | Metals | Au, Cu, Mo, Ni | Explorer | WA, Qld | www.beaconminerals.com/ | |
BEACONSFIELD GOLD NL | BCD | Metals | Au | Producer | TAS | www.beaconsfieldgold.com.au/ | |
BEADELL RESOURCES LTD | BDR | Metals | Au | Explorer | Australia, Brazil | www.beadellresources.com.au/ | |
BELLAMEL MINING LTD | BMM | Metals | Au | Emerging | WA | www.bellamelmining.com/ | |
BELLEVUE RESOURCES LIMITED | BVE | Diversified | ETF | Operating | Australia | www.bellevueresources.com.au | |
BEMAX RESOURCES LTD | BMX | Metals | Sands | Producer | Victoria | www.bemax.com.au/ | |
BENDIGO MINING LTD | BDG | Metals | Au | Emerging | Victoria | www.bmnl.com.au/ | |
BHP BILLITON LTD | BHP | Metals | Diversified | Producer | Worldwide | www.bhpbilliton.com | |
BLACK RANGE MINERALS LTD | BLR | Metals | U, Cu, | Explorer | USA, Australia | www.blackrangeminerals.com/ | |
BLACKHAM RESOURCES LTD | BLK | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.blackhamresources.com.au | |
BLINA DIAMONDS NL | BDI | Gemstones | Diamonds | Emerging | WA | www.blinadiamonds.com.au | |
BLUESCOPE STEEL LIMITED | BSL | Building | Steel | Producer | Worldwide | www.bluescopesteel.com/ | |
BMA GOLD LTD | BMO | Metals | Au | Emerging | Qld | www.bmagold.com.au/ | |
BOLNISI GOLD | BSG | Metals | www.bolnisigold.com.au/ | ||||
BONAPARTE DIAMOND MINES NL | BON | Gemstones | Diamonds | Emerging | Africa | www.bonaparte.com.au/ | |
BONDI MINING LTD | BOM | Metals | Cu, Au, Ni | Explorer | NSW | www.bondimining.com.au/ | |
BORAL LIMITED. | BLD | Building | Cement | Producer | Australia | www.boral.com.au/ | |
BOTSWANA METALS LTD | BML | Metals | Ni, Au | Explorer | Botswana | www.botswanametals.com.au/ | |
BOUGAINVILLE COPPER LTD | BOC | Metals | Cu, Au | Mothballed | PNG | www.bougainvillecopper.com.pg/ | |
BOULDER STEEL LTD | BGD | Metals | Cr, steel | Operating | Worldwide | www.bouldersteel.com.au | |
BREAKAWAY RESOURCES LTD | BRW | Metals | Au, Ni, Cu | Explorer | ?? | www.breakawayresources.com.au/ | |
BRICKWORKS LIMITED | BKW | Building | Bricks | Producer | Australia | www.brickworks.com.au/ | |
BROCKMAN RESOURCES LTD | BRM | Metals | Ni, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.brockman.com.au | |
BRUMBY RESOURCES LTD | BMY | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.brumbyresources.com.au/ | |
BUKA GOLD LTD | BKG | Metals | Au | Emerging | Gympie | www.bukagold.com.au/ | |
BUREY GOLD LTD | BYR | Metals | Au, U | Explorer | Fiji, Africa | www.bureygold.com/ | |
BUXTON RESOURCES LTD | BUX | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.buxtonresources.com.au | |
CAPE LAMBERT IRON ORE LTD | CFE | Metals | Fe | Emerging | Australia | www.capelam.com.au | |
CAPITAL MINING LTD | CMY | Metals | Diversified | Explorer | Australia | www.capitalmining.com.au/ | |
CAPRAL LTD | CAA | Metals | Al | Producer | Victoria | www.capral.com.au | |
CARBINE RESOURCES LTD | CRB | Metals | Au | Re-emergent | WA | www.carbineresources.com.au/ | |
CARNAVALE RESOURCES LTD | CAV | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | Brazil | www.carnavaleresources.de/ | |
CARPENTARIA EXPLORATION LTD | CAP | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | Qld, NSW | www.carpentariaex.com.au | |
CARRICK GOLD LTD | CRK | Metals | Au | Emerging | www.carrickgold.com/ | ||
CASTLE MINERALS LTD | CDT | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | Africa | www.castleminerals.com.au/ | |
CASTLEMAINE GOLDFIELDS LTD | CGT | Metals | Au | Explorer | Victoria | www.axd.com.au | |
CATALYST METALS LTD | CYL | Metals | Cu, Au, U | Explorer | WA | www.catalystmetals.com.au/ | |
CAZALY RESOURCES LTD | CAZ | Metals | Fe, Au | Explorer | WA | www.cazalyresources.com.au/ | |
CBH RESOURCES LTD | CBH | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn, Au | Producer | Australia | www.cbhresources.com.au/ | |
CENTAMIN EGYPT LTD | CNT | Metals | Au | Producer | Egypt | www.centamin.com/ | |
CENTAURUS RESOURCES LTD | CUR | Metals | Au, Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NSW | www.centaurus.com.au/ | |
CENTRAL ASIA RESOURCES LTD. | CVR | Metals | Au, Cu | Emerging | Central Asia | www.centralasia.com.au/ | |
CENTRAL WEST GOLD NL | CWG | Metals | Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NSW | ?? | |
CENTREX METALS LTD | CXM | Metals | Fe | Explorer | SA | www.centrexmetals.com.au/ | |
CGA MINING LTD | CGX | Metals | Au, Cu | Emerging | Philippines | www.cgamining.com/ | |
CHALICE GOLD MINES LTD | CHN | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.chalicegold.com/ | |
CHAMELEON MINING NL | CHM | Metals | ?? | ?? | Australia | ?? | |
CHESSER RESOURCES LTD | CHZ | Metals | U, Cu, Au, Ni | Explorer | Australia | www.chesserresources.com.au/ | |
CHINA STEEL AUSTRALIA LIMITED | CNH | Building | Steel | Operating | China | www.cnsteel.com.au | |
CHINA WEST INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LIMITED | CWH | Building | Various | Operating | Asia | www.cwestinternational.com/ | |
CHINA YUNNAN COPPER AUSTRALIA LTD | CYU | Metals | Cu, Au, U | Explorer | Qld | www.cycal.com.au | |
CHONGHERR INVESTMENTS LTD | CDH | Building | Stone | Producer | Qld | www.chongherr.com.au/ | |
CHROME CORPORATION LTD | CCI | Metals | Cr, steel | Producer | RSA | www.chromecorp.com | |
CITIGOLD CORPORATION LTD | CTO | Metals | Au | Producer | Qld | www.citigold.com/ | |
CITROFRESH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED | CTF | Technology | Food | Operating | Worldwide | www.citrofresh.com | |
CLANCY EXPLORATION LTD | CLY | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | NSW | www.clancyexploration.com | |
CLONCURRY METALS LTD | CLU | Metals | Au, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | Qld | www.cloncurrymetals.com.au/ | |
CLUFF RESOURCES PACIFIC NL | CFR | Gemstones | Sn, diamond, sapphires | Producing | Qld, NSW | www.cluff.com.au/ | |
COAL OF AFRICA LIMITED | CZA | Energy, alloys | Coal, Ni-alloys | Emerging | RSA | www.coalofafrica.com/ | |
COBAR CONSOLIDATED RESOURCES LTD | CCU | Metals | Au, Zn, Pb, Ag, Cu | Explorer | Cobar, NSW | www.ccrltd.com.au/ | |
COEUR D'ALENE MINES CORPORATION. | CXC | ?? | www.coeur.com/ | ||||
COLONIAL RESOURCES LTD | CLN | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.colonialresources.com.au/ | |
COLORPAK LIMITED | CKL | Packaging | Various | Operating | Australia | www.colorpak.com.au | |
COMET RESOURCES LTD | CRL | Metals | Cu, Au, Fe | Explorer | NSW, WA | www.cometres.com.au | |
COMPASS RESOURCES NL | CMR | Metals | U, Pb, Zn, Ag, Au | Emerging | NT | www.compassnl.com.au | |
CONQUEST MINING LTD | CQT | Metals | Cu, Au, Ag | Explorer | Qld | www.conquestmining.com.au/ | |
CONSOLIDATED GLOBAL INVESTMENTS LTD | CGI | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | ??? | |
CONSOLIDATED RUTILE LTD | CRT | Metals | Sands | Producer | Australia | www.consrutile.com.au | |
CONSOLIDATED TIN MINES LTD | CSD | Metals | Tin | Explorer | Qld | www.consolidatedtinmines.com.au/ | |
CONTACT URANIUM LIMITED | CTS | Energy | Uranium | Emerging | Peru, Kyrgyzstan | www.contactresources.com.au | |
CONTINENTAL CAPITAL LTD | CNF | Metals | Diversified | Holding Co | WA, Philippines | www.continentalgoldfields.com.au/ | |
CONVERGENT MINERALS LTD | CVG | Metals | Au | Explorer | Qld | www.convergentminerals.com.au/ | |
COPPER RANGE LTD | CRJ | Metals | Au, Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | SA | www.copperrange.com.au/ | |
COPPER STRIKE LTD | CSE | Metals | Cu | Emerging | Qld | www.copperstrike.com.au/ | |
COPPERCO LTD | CUO | Metals | Cu | Emerging | Qld | www.copperco.com.au/ | |
COPPERMOLY LTD | COY | Metals | Au, Mo, Cu | Emerging | PNG | www.coppermoly.com.au/ | |
CORTONA RESOURCES LTD | CRC | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.cortonaresources.com.au/ | |
COUGAR METALS NL | CGM | Metals | Au, Ni | Explorer | Brazil, WA | www.cougarmetals.com.au/ | |
COZIRON RESOURCES LTD | CZR | Metals | Coal, Pb, Zn, Fe | Explorer | Indonesia | www.coziron.com/ | |
CPI GROUP LIMITED | CPI | Packaging | Paper | Operating | Australia | www.cpigroup.com.au | |
CRESCENT GOLD LTD | CRE | Metals | Au | Producer | WA | www.crescentgold.com/ | |
CUDECO LTD | CDU | Metals | Cu | Emerging | Qld | www.cudeco.com.au/ | |
CULLEN RESOURCES LTD | CUL | Metals | Au, Cu, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.cullenresources.com.au/ | |
D'AGUILAR GOLD LTD | DGR | Metals | Au | Emerging | Australia | www.daguilar.com.au/ | |
DART MINING NL | DTM | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Victoria | www.dartmining.com.au/ | |
DE GREY MINING LTD | DEG | Metals | Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.degreymining.com.au/ | |
DIAMONEX LIMITED | DON | Gemstones | Diamonds | Emerging | Botswana | www.diamonex.com.au | |
DIATREME RESOURCES LIMITED | DRX | Mineral Sands | Base Metals, Au | Explorer | Australia | www.diatreme.com.au/ | |
DIORO EXPLORATION NL | DIO | Metals | Au | Producer | WA | www.dioro.com.au/ | |
DISCOVERY METALS LTD | DML | Metals | Au, Ni | Emerging | Botswana, WA | www.discoverymetals.com.au | |
DMC MINING LTD | DMM | Metals | Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | NSW | www.dmcmining.com.au | |
DOMINION MINING LTD | DOM | Metals | Au, Cu | Producer | Worldwide | www.dml.com.au/ | |
DRAGON MINING LTD | DRA | Metals | Au | Producer | Sweden | www.dragon-mining.com.au/ | |
DRAGON MOUNTAIN GOLD LTD | DMG | Metals | Au | www.dragonmountain.com.au/ | |||
DRAKE RESOURCES LTD | DRK | Metals | Au, Ag, Cu | Explorer | NSW | www.drakeresources.com.au/ | |
DRUMMOND GOLD LTD | DGO | Metals | Au | Explorer | Qld | www.drummondgold.com.au/ | |
DWYKA RESOURCES LIMITED | DWY | Gemstones | Diamonds | Producer | Swaziland | www.dwykadiamonds.com | |
DYNASTY METALS AUSTRALIA LIMITED | DMA | Energy | CSM, U | Explorer | Botswana, WA | www.dynastymetals.com.au/ | |
DYNO NOBEL LIMITED | DXL | Building | Explosives | Producer | Worldwide | www.dynonobel.com | |
EAGLE EYE METALS LTD | EYE | Metals | Ni, Au, Pb, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.eagleeyemetals.com/ | |
EAGLE NICKEL LTD | ENL | Metals, Energy | Ni, Mo, U | Explorer | WA | www.empiregoldcorp.com/ | |
EAST COAST MINERALS NL | ECM | Metals | Ni | Explorer | WA | ?? | |
EASTERN CORPORATION LIMITED | ECU | Energy | Coal, CSM | Explorer | Qld | www.easterncorp.com.au | |
ECHO RESOURCES LTD | EAR | Metals | Au, Ni, Cu | Explorer | Qld, WA | www.echoresources.com.au/ | |
ELDORE MINING CORPORATION LTD | EDM | Metals | Au | Explorer | Fiji | www.eldore.com/ | |
ELECKRA MINES LTD | EKM | Metals | Au, U | Explorer | WA | www.electramines.com.au/ | |
ELEMENTAL MINERALS LTD | ELM | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.elementalminerals.com.au/ | |
ELLENDALE RESOURCES NL | ELL | Energy, Gemstones | U, Diamonds | Explorer | WA | www.ellendaleresources.com/ | |
EMERGENT RESOURCES LTD | EMG | Metals, Energy | U, Au, Cu, Zn, Pt | Explorer | SA, NSW | www.emergentresources.com.au | |
EMMERSON RESOURCES LTD | ERM | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | NT | www.emmersonresources.com.au | |
EMPIRE RESOURCES LTD | ERL | Metals | U, Cu, Au | Explorer | SA, WA | www.resourcesempire.com.au/ | |
EMU NICKEL NL | EMU | Metals | Ni | Explorer | WA | www.emunickel.com.au | |
ENVIROGOLD LTD | EVG | Metals | Au, Pb, Cu, Zn | Producer | Dominican Rep, Peru, China | www.envirogold.com | |
EQUIGOLD NL | EQI | Metals | Au | Producer | Ausr, West Africa | www.equigold.com.au/ | |
EQUINOX MINERALS LTD | EQN | Metals | Au, Cu | Emerging | Zambia | www.equinoxminerals.com | |
EROMANGA HYDROCARBONS NL | ERH | Energy | Oil & Gas | Producer | Qld | www.erohydro.com | |
EUREKA ENERGY LIMITED | EKA | Energy | Oil & Gas | Explorer | Texas | www.eurekaenergy.com.au | |
EUROGOLD LTD | EUG | Metals | Au | Emerging | Ukraine | www.eurogold.com.au/ | |
EXCALIBUR MINING CORPORATION LTD | EXM | Metals | Au, Cu | Emerging | Qld | www.excaliburmining.com.au | |
EXCO RESOURCES LTD | EXS | Metals | Cu | Emerging | Qld | www.excoresources.com.au/ | |
EXTRACT RESOURCES | EXT | Metals | U | Emerging | Namibia | www.extractresources.com | |
FAIRSTAR RESOURCES LTD | FAS | Metals | Au, U, Ni, Pb, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.fairstarresources.com/ | |
FALCON MINERALS LTD | FCN | Metals | Au, U, Ni, Pb, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.falconminerals.com.au/ | |
FERRAUS LTD | FRS | Metals | Fe, Ni, Mg | Explorer | WA | www.ferraus.com | |
FERROWEST LTD | FWL | Metals | Fe | Explorer | WA | www.ferrowest.com.au/ | |
FINDERS RESOURCES LTD | FND | Metals | Au, Ag | ?? | Indonesia | www.findersresources.com | |
FIRESTONE ENERGY LTD | FSE | Metals | ?? | Explorer | Africa | ?? | |
FLETCHER BUILDING LIMITED | FBU | Building | Steel | Operating | NZ | www.fletcherbuilding.com | |
FLINDERS DIAMONDS LIMITED | FDL | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | SA | www.flindersdiamonds.com | |
FOCUS MINERALS LTD | FML | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.focusminerals.com.au/ | |
FOREST ENTERPRISES AUSTRALIA LIMITED | FEA | Agriculture | Timber | Operating | TAS | www.forestenterprise.com | |
FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD | FMG | Metals | Fe | Emerging | WA | www.fmgl.com.au | |
FOX RESOURCES LTD | FXR | Metals | Ni, Cu | Producer | WA | www.foxresources.com.au/ | |
FRONTIER RESOURCES LTD | FNT | Metals | Various | Explorer | PNG | www.frontierresources.com.au/ | |
FUSION RESOURCES LIMITED | FSN | Energy | U | Emerging | Qld | www.fusionresources.com.au | |
GALAXY RESOURCES LTD | GXY | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.galaxyresources.com.au/ | |
GATEWAY MINING LTD | GML | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.gatewaymining.com.au/ | |
GBM RESOURCES LTD | GBZ | Metals | Au | Explorer | Qld | www.gbmr.com.au | |
GENESIS MINERALS LTD | GMD | Metals | Ni, Au, U, Pb, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.genesisminerals.com.au/ | |
GEOPACIFIC RESOURCES NL | GPR | Metals | Au | Explorer | Fiji | www.geopacific.com.au/ | |
GINDALBIE METALS LTD | GBG | Metals | Fe | Emerging | WA | www.gindalbie.com.au | |
GIPPSLAND LTD | GIP | Metals | Ta | Emerging | Egypt | www.gippslandltd.com.au | |
GIRALIA RESOURCES NL | GIR | Metals | Au | Explorer | Australia | www.giraliaresources.com.au/ | |
GLADIATOR RESOURCES LIMITED | GLA | Energy | U | Explorer | WA | www.gladiatorresources.com.au/ | |
GLENEAGLE GOLD LTD | GLN | Metals | Au | Mothballed | Australia | www.gleneaglegold.com.au | |
GLENGARRY RESOURCES LTD | GGY | Metals | Cu | Emerging | Qld | www.glengarrynl.com.au/ | |
GLOBAL GEOSCIENCE LTD | GSC | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | Peru | www.globalgeo.com.au | |
GLOBAL GOLD HOLDINGS LTD | GGH | Metals | Au | Trader | Malaysia | www.globalgold.com.au | |
GLOBAL IRON LTD | GFE | Metals | Fe | Explorer | WA | www.globaliron.com.au | |
GLOBAL NICKEL INVESTMENTS LTD | GNI | Metals | Ni | Explorer | WA | www.globalnickel.com.au/ | |
GME RESOURCES LTD | GME | Metals | Ni | Emerging | WA | www.gmeresources.com.au | |
GOLD AURA LTD | GOA | Metals | Au, Cu, Zn, Pb | Explorer | Qld, PNG | www.goldaura.com.au/ | |
GOLD BULLION SECURITIES LTD | GOL | Metals | Au | ETF | Australia | www.goldbullion.com.au/ | |
GOLDEN CROSS RESOURCES LTD | GCR | Metals | Cu, Au | Emerging | NSW | www.goldencross.com.au/ | |
GOLDEN DEEPS LTD. | GED | Metals | Au | Explorer | Madagascar | www.goldendeeps.com | |
GOLDEN RIM RESOURCES LTD | GMR | Metals | Au, Cu, U | Explorer | Fiji | www.goldenrim.com.au | |
GOLDEN STATE RESOURCES LTD | GDN | Metals | Ni | Emerging | WA | www.goldenstate.com.au/ | |
GOLDEN TIGER MINING NL | GTX | Metals | Au | Explorer | China | www.goldentiger.com.au/ | |
GOLDEN WEST RESOURCES LTD | GWR | Metals | Fe | Explorer | WA | www.goldenwestresources.com/ | |
GOLDMINEX RESOURCES LTD | GMX | Metals | Ni, Au, Cu | Explorer | PNG, WA | www.goldminex.com.au | |
GOLDSEARCH LTD | GSE | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | NSW, Qld | www.goldsearch.com.au/ | |
GOLDSTAR RESOURCES NL | GDR | Metals | Au | Explorer | Victoria, WA | www.goldstarnl.com.au/ | |
GOLDSTREAM MINING LTD | GDM | www.goldstreammining.com.au/ | |||||
GONDWANA RESOURCES LIMITED | GDA | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | ||
GOSFORD QUARRY HOLDINGS LIMITED | GQH | Building | Quarry | Producer | NSW | ||
GRANGE RESOURCES LTD. | GRR | Metals | Fe | Emerging | WA | www.grangeresources.com.au | |
GRAYNIC METALS LTD | GYN | Metals | Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA, NSW | www.graynicmetals.com.au | |
GREAT AUSTRALIAN RESOURCES LTD | GAU | Metals | Pt, Pd, Ni, Cr | Explorer | RSA | www.greataustralian.com.au/ | |
GREAT GOLD MINES | GNL | www.greatgoldmines.com.au/ | |||||
GREAT SOUTHERN LIMITED | GTP | Agriculture | Timber | Operating | Australia | www.great-southern.com.au | |
GREATER BENDIGO GOLD MINES LTD | GBM | Metals | Au | Explorer | Victoria | www.gbgm.com.au/ | |
GREATER PACIFIC GOLD LTD | GPN | Metals | V, Ti, U, Au | Explorer | NT, WA | www.gpgold.com.au/ | |
GREEN ROCK ENERGY LIMITED | GRK | Energy | Geothermal | Emerging | SA | www.greenrock.com.au | |
GREENLAND MINERALS AND ENERGY LTD | GGG | Metals | Au | Emerging | Greenland | www.ggg.gl | |
GRYPHON MINERALS LTD | GRY | Metals | Au, Ni | Emerging | Africa, WA | www.gryphonminerals.com.au/ | |
GTI RESOURCES LIMITED | GTR | www.gtiresources.com.au/ | |||||
GULF MINES LIMITED | GLM | www.gulfmines.com.au/ | |||||
GULF RESOURCES LIMITED | GLF | www.gulfresources.com.au/ | |||||
GULLEWA LTD | GUL | Metals | ETF | Australia | www.gullewa.com | ||
GUNNS LIMITED | GNS | Agriculture | Timber | Producer | TAS | www.gunns.com.au | |
GUNSON RESOURCES LTD | GUN | Metals | Cu, Au | Producer | Australia | www.gunson.com.au/ | |
HADDINGTON RESOURCES LTD | HDN | Metals, Energy | Ta, U, Sands, coal | Producer | WA | www.haddington.com.au/ | |
HAMPTON HILL MINING NL | HHM | Metals | Au, U, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.hamptonhill.com.au/ | |
HANNANS REWARD LTD | HNR | Metals, Energy | Au, Ni, Fe, U | Explorer | WA | www.hannansreward.com/ | |
HAOMA MINING NL | HAO | Metals | Au | Emerging | WA, Qld | www.haoma.com.au/ | |
HAVILAH RESOURCES NL | HAV | Metals. Energy | Au, Geothermal | Explorer | SA | www.havilah-resources.com.au/ | |
HAWK RESOURCES LTD | HFC | Metals | W | Explorer | Victoria | www.hawkresources.com.au | |
HAWTHORN RESOURCES LTD | HAW | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.greatgoldmines.com.au | |
HAZELWOOD RESOURCES LTD | HAZ | Metals | Ni, W | Explorer | WA | www.hazelwood.com.au/ | |
HEEMSKIRK CONSOLIDATED LTD | HSK | Metals | ?? | Producer | Canada, Spain | www.heemskirk.com/ | |
HELIX RESOURCES LTD | HLX | Metals | Au, Fe, U, Zn, Pb | Explorer | WA, SA | www.helix.net.au/ | |
HEMISPHERE RESOURCES LTD | HEM | Metals | Au, Ni, U | Explorer | WA | www.hemisphereresources.com.au/ | |
HERALD RESOURCES LTD | HER | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn | Producer | SA, Indonesia | www.herald.net.au | |
HERITAGE GOLD NZ LTD | HTM | Metals | Au | Explorer | NZ | www.heritagegold.co.nz/ | |
HERON RESOURCES LTD | HRR | Metals | Ni | Emerging | WA | www.heronresources.com.au/ | |
HIGHLANDS PACIFIC LTD | HIG | Metals | Ni, Au | Producer | PNG | www.highlandspacific.com/ | |
HILL END GOLD LTD | HEG | Metals | Au | Emerging | NSW | www.hillendgold.com.au/ | |
HILLGROVE RESOURCES LTD | HGO | Metals | Au, Cu, Zn, Pb | Producer | SA | www.hillgroveresources.com.au/ | |
HITEC ENERGY LTD | HTE | Metals | MgOxide | Emerging | India | www.hitec-energy.com.au/ | |
HODGES RESOURCES LTD | HDG | Metals | Mo | Explorer | Victoria | www.hodgesresources.com.au | |
HUDSON RESOURCES LIMITED | HRS | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | Greenland | www.hudsonresources.ca/ | |
ICON RESOURCES LTD | III | Metals | Au, Zn, Ni, Fe | Explorer | NSW | www.iconresources.com.au/ | |
IGDX HOLDINGS LTD | IGX | Metals | Au | Trader | Malaysia, HK | www.igdx.com.au/ | |
ILUKA RESOURCES LTD | ILU | Metals | Sands | Producer | WA, Victoria | www.iluka.com | |
IMAGE RESOURCES NL | IMA | Metals | Au, Sands, Ni, U | WA | www.imageres.com.au/ | ||
IMDEX LTD | IMD | Metals, Energy | CSM, metals | Services | Australia | www.imdex.com.au | |
IMPACT MINERALS LTD | IPT | Metals, Energy | U, Au, Pb, Zn, Ni, Pt, Pd | Explorer | Australia, Botswana | www.impactminerals.com.au/ | |
IMPERIAL CORPORATION LIMITED | IMP | Energy | Gas | Producer | USA | www.imperialone.com.au | |
IMX RESOURCES NL | IXR | Metals | Ni, Pt, Au | Emerging | Australia, Tanzania | www.goldstreammining.com.au | |
INCITEC PIVOT LIMITED | IPL | Agriculture | Fertiliser | Producer | Australia | www.incitecpivot.com.au | |
INDEPENDENCE GROUP NL | IGO | Metals | Ni, Au | Producer | WA | www.independencegroup.com.au/ | |
INDIA RESOURCES LTD | IRL | Metals | Cu, Zn, Pb | Emerging | India | www.indiaresources.com.au | |
INDO MINES LTD | IDO | Metals | Au | Explorer | Indonesia, Peru, Australia | www.indomines.com.au/ | |
INDOPHIL RESOURCES NL | IRN | Metals | Au, Cu, Zn, Pb | Emerging | Philippines | www.indophil.com/ | |
INDUSTRIAL MINERALS CORPORATION LTD | IDM | Metals | Sands | Emerging | USA | www.industrialmineralscorp.com.au/ | |
INTEC LTD | INL | Metals | Cu, Zn, Pb | Producer | TAS | www.intec.com.au/ | |
INTEGRA MINING LTD | IGR | Metals | Au | Producer | WA | www.integramining.com.au/ | |
INTERMET RESOURCES LTD | ITT | Metals | Au. Cu, U, Pb, Zn | Explorer | SA | www.intermetresources.com.au | |
INTERMIN RESOURCES LTD | IRC | Metals | Au | Operating | WA | ||
INTERNATIONAL GOLDFIELDS LTD.. | IGC | Metals | Pd, Pt | Explorer | RSA | www.internationalgoldfields.com/ | |
INTREPID MINES LTD | IAU | Metals | Au | Producer | Australia, Canada, Mexico, Argentina | www.intrepidmines.com | |
INVESTIKA LTD | IVK | Metals | Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Indonesia, Chile | www.investika.com | |
IRON MOUNTAIN MINING LTD | IRM | Metals | Fe | Explorer | WA | www.ironmountainmining.com.au/ | |
IRON ORE HOLDINGS LTD | IOH | Metals | Fe | Explorer | WA | www.ironoreholdings.com/ | |
IRONBARK GOLD LTD | IBG | Metals | Zn, Pb, Au | Explorer | Greenland | www.ironbarkgold.com.au/ | |
IRONCLAD MINING LTD | IFE | Metals | Fe | Explorer | SA | www.ironcladmining.com/ | |
JABIRU METALS LTD | JML | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Producer | WA | ||
JACKSON MINERALS LTD | JAK | Metals | U, Cu, Ni, Ag, Au | Emerging | Argentina, Australia | www.jacksongold.com.au/ | |
JAGUAR MINERALS LTD | JAG | Metals | ?? | ?? | ?? | www.jaguarminerals.com.au/ | |
JAMES HARDIE INDUSTRIES N.V. | JHX | Building | Fibre Cement | Producer | Worldwide | www.jameshardie.com | |
JAMESON RESOURCES LTD | JAL | Metals | ?? | Explorer | ?? | www.jamesonresources.com.au | |
JERVOIS MINING LTD | JRV | Metals | Au, Ni, Co | Explorer | WA, NSW | www.jervois.com.au/ | |
JINDALEE RESOURCES LTD | JRL | Metals | Ni, U | Explorer | WA, NT | www.jindalee.net/ | |
JUBILEE MINES NL | JBM | Metals | Ni | Producer | WA | www.jubileemines.com.au | |
JUPITER ENERGY LIMITED | JPR | Energy | Biodiesel, Oil & Gas | Emerging | Malaysia, Australia | www.jupiterenergy.com.au | |
JUPITER MINES LTD | JMS | Metals | Fe, Zn, Ni, Pb, Au | Explorer | WA | www.jupitermines.com/ | |
JUTT HOLDINGS LTD | JUT | Metals | Au, Zn, Pb, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.juttholdings.com | |
KAGARA LTD | KZL | Metals | Zn, Pb | Producer | Qld | www.kagara.com.au | |
KAIRIKI ENERGY LIMITED | KIK | Energy | Oil & Gas | Explorer | Philippines | www.kairikienergy.com/ | |
KALGOORLIE-BOULDER RESOURCES LTD | KAL | Metals | Au, Ni, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Australia | www.kalgoorlieboulderres.com.au/ | |
KANGAROO METALS LTD | KML | Metals | Cu, Ag, Au | Explorer | Qld | www.kangaroometals.com.au | |
KASBAH RESOURCES LTD | KAS | Metals | Tin | Explorer | Morocco | www.kasbahresources.com | |
KENTOR GOLD LTD | KGL | Metals | Au | ?? | ?? | www.kentorgold.com/ | |
KING ISLAND SCHEELITE LTD | KIS | Metals | W | Mothballed | TAS | www.kingislandscheelite.com.au/ | |
KING SOLOMON MINES LTD | KSO | Metals | Au, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | China | www.kingsolomonmines.com | |
KINGS MINERALS NL | KMN | Metals | Au, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo | Explorer | Australia, Mexico | www.kingsminerals.com/ | |
KINGSGATE CONSOLIDATED LTD. | KCN | Metals | Au | Producer | Thailand | www.kingsgate.com.au/ | |
KINGSROSE MINING LTD | KRM | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | kingsrosemining.com.au | |
KORAB RESOURCES LIMITED | KOR | Energy | U | Explorer | NT | www.korabresources.com.au/ | |
KRUCIBLE METALS LTD | KRB | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, Ag, U | Explorer | Qld | www.kruciblemetals.com.au/ | |
LACHLAN STAR LIMITED | LSA | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ||
LAFAYETTE MINING LTD | LAF | Metals | Au, Cu, Zn, Ag | Producer | Philippines | www.lafayettemining.com/ | |
LAKE RESOURCES N.L. | LKE | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | Pakistan, Argentina | www.lakeresources.com.au/ | |
LATIN GOLD LTD | LAT | Metals | Au | Explorer | Peru, Chile | www.latingold.com.au/ | |
LATROBE MAGNESIUM LTD | LMG | Metals | Mg | Emerging | Victoria | www.latrobemagnesium.com/ | |
LEFROY RESOURCES LTD | LEF | Metals | Li, K | Explorer | Chile, Peru | www.lefroyresources.com.au/ | |
LEGEND MINING LTD | LEG | Metals | Au, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.legmin.com.au/ | |
LEYSHON RESOURCES LTD | LRL | Metals | Au, Cu | Emerging | China | www.leyshonresources.com/ | |
LIBERTY RESOURCES LTD | LBY | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.libertygold.com.au/ | |
LIHIR GOLD LTD. | LGL | Metals | Au | Producer | PNG | www.lihir.com.pg/ | |
LINCOLN MINERALS LTD | LML | Metals | U, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe | Explorer | SA | www.lincolnminerals.com.au/ | |
LINDIAN RESOURCES LTD | LIN | Metals | Fe, Au, Pt | Explorer | Australia | www.lindianresources.de/ | |
LINQ RESOURCES FUND | LRF | Metals | Small stock | ETF | Worldwide | www.linqresources.com/ | |
LION SELECTION LTD | LST | Metals | Au, Cu | ETF | Australia, Africa | www.lionselection.com.au/ | |
LIONTOWN RESOURCES LTD | LTR | Metals | Au, Ni | Explorer | WA, Qld | www.ltresources.com.au/ | |
LODESTAR MINERALS LTD | LSR | Metals | Au, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.lodestarminerals.com.au/ | |
LODESTONE EXPLORATION LTD | LOD | Metals | Au | Explorer | Qld | www.lodestonex.com/ | |
LONRHO MINING LIMITED | LOM | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | RSA | www.narediamonds.com/ | |
LYNAS CORPORATION LTD | LYC | Metals | REEs | Emerging | China, WA | www.lynascorp.com | |
MACARTHUR COAL LIMITED | MCC | Energy | Coal | Producer | Qld | www.macarthurcoal.com.au/ | |
MACMIN SILVER LTD | MMN | Metals | Ag | Producer | Qld | www.macmin.com.au/ | |
MACQUARIE HARBOUR MINING LTD | MHM | Metals | Au, Sn, Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | TAS | www.mhml.com.au/ | |
MAGMA METALS LTD | MMB | Metals | Ni, Cu | Explorer | Canada, Australia | www.magmametals.com.au/ | |
MAGNA MINING NL | MAN | Metals | Diversified | Explorer | Namibia | www.magnamining.com.au/ | |
MAGNETIC RESOURCES NL | MAU | Metals, Energy | Au, Ni, U | Explorer | WA | www.magres.com.au/ | |
MAGNUM MINING AND EXPLORATION LTD | MGU | Metals | Ti | Explorer | Philippines, Namibia | www.mmel.com.au/ | |
MALACHITE RESOURCES NL | MAR | Metals | Au, Cu, Ag, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NSW | www.malachite.com.au/ | |
MAMBA MINERALS LIMITED | MAB | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | www.mamba.com.au/ | |
MANTLE MINING CORPORATION LTD | MNM | Metals | Au, Cu, U | Explorer | Qld, Victoria | www.mantlemining.com/ | |
MARATHON RESOURCES LTD | MTN | Metals | Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, U | Explorer | SA | www.marathonresources.com.au/ | |
MARENGO MINING LTD | MGO | Metals | Cu, Mo | Emerging | PNG | www.marengomining.com/ | |
MATILDA MINERALS LTD | MAL | Metals | Sands | Producer | NT, Qld | www.matildaminerals.com/ | |
MATRIX METALS LTD | MRX | Metals | Cu | Producer | Qld | www.matrixmetals.com.au/ | |
MAVUZI RESOURCES | MAV | Metals | www.mavuziresources.com.au/ | ||||
MAWSON WEST LTD | MWE | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | WA, Zambia, Congo | www.mawsonwest.com.au/ | |
MAXIMUS RESOURCES LTD | MXR | Metals | U, Au, Pt, Ni, Fe | Explorer | SA, WA | www.maximusresources.com/ | |
MEDUSA MINING LTD | MML | Metals | Au | Emerging | Philippines | www.medusamining.com.au/ | |
METALLICA MINERALS LTD | MLM | Metals | Ni | Producer | Qld | www.metallicaminerals.com.au/ | |
METALS AUSTRALIA LTD | MLS | Metals | Zn, U | Explorer | Namibia | www.metalsaustralia.com.au/ | |
METALS FINANCE CORP | MFC | Metals | Various | Financier | Worldwide | www.metalsfinance.com/ | |
METALS X LTD | MLX | Metals | Sn, Ni | Producer | TAS, WA | www.metalsx.com.au/ | |
METEORIC RESOURCES NL | MEI | www.meteoric.com.au/ | |||||
METEX RESOURCES LTD | MEE | Metals | Au | WA | www.metex.com.au/ | ||
METMINCO LTD | MNC | Metals, Energy | Au, U | Explorer | WA | www.metminco.com.au/ | |
MIDAS RESOURCES LTD | MDS | Metals | Au, Cu | Emerging | China | www.midasresources.com.au/ | |
MIDWEST CORPORATION LTD | MIS | Metals | Fe fines | Producer | WA | www.midwestcorp.com.au/ | |
MIDWINTER RESOURCES NL | MWN | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.midwinterresources.com.au/ | |
MIL RESOURCES LTD | MGK | Metals | Fe | Explorer | PNG | www.mgil.com.au/ | |
MILLENNIUM MINERALS LTD | MOY | Metals | Mo, Au | Explorer | WA | www.wedgetail.net.au/ | |
MINARA RESOURCES LTD | MRE | Metals | Ni, Co | Producer | WA | www.minara.com.au/ | |
MINCOR RESOURCES NL | MCR | Metals | Ni, Co | Producer | WA | www.mincor.com.au/ | |
MINDAX LIMITED | MDX | www.mindax.com.au/ | |||||
MINEMAKERS LTD | MAK | Metals | P, salt, W, Fl, Fe, Ni, Au | Explorer | WA | www.minemakers.com.au/ | |
MINERAL COMMODITIES LTD | MRC | Metals | Sands | Emerging | RSA | www.mineralcommodities.com.au/ | |
MINERAL DEPOSITS LTD | MDL | Metals | Sands | Emerging | Senegal | www.mineraldeposits.com.au/ | |
MINERAL SANDS LTD | MSN | Metals | Sands | Explorer | NSW, Qld, Victoria | www.minsands.com.au/ | |
MINERAL SECURITIES | MXX | Diversified | Various | Holding Co | Worldwide | www.mineralsecurities.com.au/ | |
MINERALS CORPORATION LIMITED | MSC | Building | Kaolin | Producer | Qld, WA | www.mineralscorp.com.au/ | |
MINING PROJECTS GROUP LTD | MPJ | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Emerging | WA | www.miningprojectsgroup.com.au/ | |
MINOTAUR EXPLORATION LTD | MEP | Metals | Au, Cu, U, Pb, Zn | Explorer | SA | www.minotaurexploration.com.au/ | |
MINTAILS LIMITED | MLI | Energy | Coal | Producer | Australia | www.mintails.com.au/ | |
MIRABELA NICKEL LTD | MBN | Metals | Ni | Emerging | Brazil | www.mirabelanickel.com.au/ | |
MITHRIL RESOURCES LTD | MTH | Metals | Ni, Sands | Emerging | WA | www.mithrilresources.com.au/ | |
MOLY MINES LTD | MOL | Metals | Mo | Emerging | Australia | www1.molymines.com/ | |
MONARCH GOLD MINING COMPANY LTD | MON | Metals | Au | Producer | Australia | www.monarchgold.com.au/ | |
MONARO MINING NL | MRO | Metals | Au, U, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | Kyrgyz, Australia | www.monaromining.com/ | |
MONAX MINING LTD | MOX | Metals | Au, Cu, Zn, Pb | Explorer | SA | www.monaxmining.com.au/ | |
MONTEZUMA MINING COMPANY LTD | MZM | Metals | www.montezumamining.com.au/ | ||||
MONTO MINERALS LTD | MOO | Metals | Ti | Emerging | Qld | www.montominerals.com/ | |
MORNING STAR GOLD N.L. | MCO | Metals | Au | Explorer | Victoria | www.morningstargold.com.au/ | |
MOUNT BURGESS MINING NL | MTB | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Africa | www.mountburgess.com/ | |
MOUNT GIBSON IRON LTD | MGX | Metals | Fe | Producer | WA | www.mtgibsoniron.com.au/ | |
MOUNT MAGNET SOUTH NL | MUM | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.mountmagnet.com.au/ | |
MUNDO MINERALS LTD | MUN | Metals | Au | Explorer | Brazil, Peru | www.mundominerals.com/ | |
MURCHISON METALS LTD | MMX | Metals | Fe | Producer | WA | www.mml.net.au/ | |
MURCHISON UNITED NL | MUR | Metals | U | Explorer | Guinea, Mauritania | www.munl.com.au/ | |
MUTINY GOLD LTD | MYG | Metals | Au | Explorer | Victoria | www.mutinygold.com.au/ | |
NATIONAL CAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED | NCI | Packaging | Cans | Operating | Australia | www.natcan.com.au/ | |
NAVIGATOR RESOURCES LTD | NAV | Metals | Au | Producer | WA | www.navigatorresources.com.au/ | |
NEWCREST MINING LTD | NCM | Metals | Au, Cu | Producer | NSW, WA | www.newcrest.com.au/ | |
NEWLAND RESOURCES LTD | NRL | Metals | Coal, Au | Holding Co | Qld | www.newlandresources.com/ | |
NEWMONT MINING CORPORATION. | NEM | Metals | Au | Producer | Worldwide | www.newmont.com/ | |
NEWPORT MINING LTD | NMN | Metals | Au, Cu, U, Pb, Zn | Explorer | SA | www.newport-mining.com.au/ | |
NEX METALS EXPLORATION LTD | NME | Metals | Au, Ni, Pt, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.nexmetals.com/ | |
NGM RESOURCES LTD | NGM | Metals | www.ngmresources.com.au/ | ||||
NICKELORE LTD | NIO | Metals | Au, Cu, Ni, Pt | Explorer | WA | www.halcyongroup.com.au/ | |
NIMRODEL RESOURCES LTD | NMR | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | NSW | www.nimrodel.com.au/ | |
NKWE PLATINUM LTD | NKP | Metals | Pt | Explorer | RSA | www.nkweplatinum.com/ | |
NOAH RESOURCES NL | NOA | Metals | Sn, W, Mo, Au | Explorer | Australia | ?? | |
NORTH AUSTRALIAN DIAMONDS LTD | NAD | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | WA, NT | www.nadl.com.au/ | |
NORTH QUEENSLAND METALS LTD | NQM | Metals | Au | Emerging | Qld | www.nqm.com.au/ | |
NORTHERN IRON LTD | NFE | Metals | Fe | Emerging | Norway | www.northerniron.com.au/ | |
NORTHERN MINING LTD | NMI | Metals | Au, Ni, Zn, Pb | Explorer | WA, NT, Poland | www.northernmining.com.au/ | |
NORTHERN STAR RESOURCES LTD | NST | Metals | Au, Pt, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.nsrltd.com/ | |
NORTHWEST RESOURCES LTD | NWR | Metals | Au | Emerging | WA | www.nw-resources.com.au/ | |
NORTON GOLD FIELDS LTD | NGF | Metals | Au | Re-emerging | WA | www.nortongoldfields.com.au/ | |
NUENERGY CAPITAL LIMITED | NGY | Energy | Oil & Gas | Explorer | Australia | ?? | |
NUFARM LIMITED | NUF | Agriculture | Pesticides | Operating | Australia | www.nufarm.com/ | |
NULLARBOR HOLDINGS LTD | NLB | Metals | Various | Explorer | Worldwide | ?? | |
NUPLEX INDUSTRIES LIMITED. | NPX | Packaging | Resins | Operating | NZ | www.nuplex.co.nz/ | |
OCEANAGOLD CORPORATION | OGC | Metals | Au | Producer | Australia, Philippines | www.oceanagold.com.au/ | |
OLYMPIA RESOURCES LTD | OLY | Metals, Energy | Sands, U | Explorer | Australia, Indonesia | www.olympiaresources.com/ | |
OM HOLDINGS LTD | OMH | Metals | Mn | Producer | NT | www.omholdingsltd.com/ | |
ONESTEEL LIMITED | OST | Building | Steel | Producer | Worldwide | www.onesteel.com/ | |
ORD RIVER RESOURCES LTD | ORD | Metals | Fe | www.ord.com.au/ | |||
ORICA LIMITED | ORI | Building | Explosives | Producer | Worldwide | www.orica.com/ | |
ORIENT RESOURCE HOLDINGS LIMITED | ORH | Building | Steel | Operating | Asia Pacific | www.orientresources.com.au/ | |
OROCOBRE LTD | ORE | Metals | Li, Au, Cu, Ag | Explorer | Argentina | www.orocobre.com.au/ | |
OROPA LTD | ORP | Metals | Au | Emerging | Indonesia, India | www.oropa.com.au/ | |
OROYA MINING LTD | ORO | Metals | Ai, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NSW, Victoria | www.oroya.com.au/ | |
OVERLAND RESOURCES LTD | OVR | Metals | Ni, Cu, Pt, Pb, Zn, Au | Explorer | NSW, NZ | www.overlandresources.com/ | |
OVERSEAS & GENERAL LIMITED | OGL | Agriculture | Timber | Operating | Fiji, Malaysia | www.overseas-general.com/ | |
OXIANA LTD | OXR | Metals | Cu, Au | Producer | Laos | www.oxiana.com.au/ | |
PACIFIC MINING LTD | PFM | Metals | Various | Holding Co | Australia | ?? | |
PACIFIC ORE LTD | PSF | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | NT, Mongolia | www.trajanminerals.com.au/ | |
PACRIM ENERGY | PRE | Metals, Energy | Au, oil & gas | Explorer | USA, PNG, Australia | www.pacrimenergy.com.au/ | |
PACMAG METALS LTD | PMH | Metals | Mg, ?? | Explorer | Worldwide | www.pacmag.com.au/ | |
PAN AUSTRALIAN RESOURCES LTD | PNA | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | Laos | www.panaustralian.com.au/ | |
PAN PALLADIUM LTD | PPD | Metals | ??? | ||||
PANAEGIS GOLD MINES LTD | PAU | Metals | Au | Explorer | Victoria | www.panaegisgold.com.au/ | |
PAPERLINX LIMITED | PPX | Packaging | Paper | Operating | Australia | www.paperlinx.com.au/ | |
PAPYRUS AUSTRALIA LIMITED | PPY | Packaging | Paper | Producer | Australia | www.papyrusaustralia.com.au | |
PARADIGM METALS LTD | PDM | Metals | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | |
PARAMOUNT MINING CORPORATION LTD | PCP | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | Ghana, RSA, WA | www.paramountmining.com/ | |
PEAK RESOURCES LTD | PEK | Metals, Energy | Au, Ni, , Zn, Pb | Explorer | WA | www.peakresources.com.au/ | |
PEEL EXPLORATION LTD | PEX | Metals | Au, Ni, Pt, Cu | Explorer | NSW | www.peelex.com.au/ | |
PEGASUS METALS LTD | PUN | Metals, Energy | Au, U, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.pegasusmetals.com.au/ | |
PELICAN RESOURCES LTD | PEL | Metals | Au, Ni, Fe | Explorer | WA, Philippines | www.pelicanresources.com.au/ | |
PENINSULA MINERALS LTD | PEN | Metals | Au, U, Ni | Explorer | Fiji, Tanzania, Australia | www.peninsulaminerals.com.au/ | |
PENRICE SODA HOLDINGS LIMITED | PSH | Chemicals | Soda Ash | Operating | Australia | www.penrice.com.au/ | |
PEPINNINI MINERALS LTD | PNN | Metals | U, Ni, Au, Cu, Pb, Zn | SA, Qld | www.pepinnini.com.au/ | ||
PERILYA LTD | PEM | Metals | Cu, Zn, Pb | Producer | NSW | www.perilya.com.au/ | |
PERSEVERENCE MINING | PSV | Metals | Au | Victoria | www.perseverance.com.au/ | ||
PERSEUS MINING LTD | PRU | Metals | Au | Emerging | Africa | www.perseusmining.com.au/ | |
PHOENIX COPPER LTD | PNX | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | SA | www.phoenixcopper.com.au/ | |
PIKE RIVER COAL LIMITED | PRC | Energy | Coal | Emerging | NZ | www.pike.co.nz/ | |
PIONEER NICKEL LTD | PIO | Metals | Cu, Au, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.pioneernickel.com.au/ | |
PLATINA RESOURCES LTD | PGM | Metals | Pt, Pd, Au | Emerging | NSW, WA | www.platinaresources.com.au/ | |
PLATINUM AUSTRALIA LTD | PLA | Metals | Pt, Pd, Au | Emerging | WA, RSA | www.platinumaus.com.au/ | |
PLATSEARCH NL | PTS | Metals | Au, Pt, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | SA, Qld, NSW | www.platsearch.com.au/ | |
PLENTEX LTD | PRM | Metals | Mo, U, Fl | Explorer | Qld | www.plentex.com.au/ | |
POLARIS METALS NL | POL | Metals | Fe | Emerging | WA | www.polarismetals.com.au/ | |
PORTMAN LTD | PMM | Metals | Fe | Producer | WA | www.portman.com.au/ | |
POSEIDON NICKEL LTD | POS | Metals | Ni, Au | Explorer | WA, Ghana | www.poseidon-nickel.com.au/ | |
PRAIRIE DOWNS METALS LTD | PDZ | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Emerging | WA | www.prairiedownsmetals.com.au/ | |
PRIMARY RESOURCES LTD | PRZ | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | NSW | www.primaryresources.com.au | |
PRIME MINERALS LTD | PIM | Metals | U, Au, Ti, V | Explorer | WA | www.primeminerals.com.au/ | |
PRO-PAC PACKAGING LIMITED | PPG | Packaging | Various | Operating | Australia | www.pro-pac.com.au/ | |
PROSPERITY RESOURCES LTD | PSP | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA, Indonesia | www.prosperity.net.au/ | |
PROTO RESOURCES & INVESTMENTS LTD | PRW | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA, TAS | www.protoresources.com.au/ | |
QUANTUM RESOURCES LTD | QUR | Metals | U, Au, Zn, Pb, Cu | Explorer | WA, NT | www.qur.com.au/ | |
QUAY MAGNESIUM LTD | QMG | Metals | Mg-alloy | Operating | China | www.quaymagnesium.com/ | |
QUEENSLAND GOLD AND MINERALS LTD | QGM | Metals | Cu, Au, Pb, Zn, Ni | Explorer | Australia | www.qgm.com.au/ | |
QUEENSLAND MINING CORPORATION LTD | QMN | Metals | Cu | Producer | Qld | queenslandminingcorporation.com.au/ | |
QUEENSLAND ORES LTD | QOL | Metals | Sn, W | Emerging | Qld | www.qol.com.au/ | |
RAMELIUS RESOURCES LTD | RMS | Metals | Ta, Cu, Au | Explorer | WA | www.rameliusresources.com.au/ | |
RAND MINING NL | RND | Metals | Au | Re-emerging | WA | www.randmining.com.au/ | |
RANGE RESOURCES LTD | RRS | Metals, Energy | Various | Explorer | Somalia | www.rangeresources.com.au/ | |
RANGE RIVER GOLD LTD | RNG | Metals | Au | Mothballed | WA | www.rangeriver.com.au/ | |
RED 5 LTD | RED | Metals | Au | Emerging | Philippines | www.red5ltd.com/ | |
RED EMPEROR RESOURCES NL | RMP | Metals | Cu | Explorer | WA | www.red-emperor.com/ | |
RED HILL IRON LTD | RHI | Metals | Fe | Explorer | WA | www.redhilliron.com.au/ | |
RED METAL LTD | RDM | Metals | Cu, U, b, Zn, Au | Explorer | SA | www.redmetal.com.au/ | |
RED RIVER RESOURCES LTD | RVR | Metals | Fe | Explorer | WA | www.redriverresources.com.au/ | |
REDBANK MINES LTD | RBM | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | Fiji, WA | www.redbankmines.com.au/ | |
REDSTONE RESOURCES LTD | RDS | Metals | Cu, U, b, Zn, Au | Explorer | WA | www.redstone.com.au/ | |
REED RESOURCES LTD | RDR | Metals | V | Emerging | WA | www.reedresources.com/ | |
REEDY LAGOON CORPORATION LTD | RLC | Metals | ??? | Explorer | Australia | www.reedylagoon.com.au/ | |
REGAL RESOURCES LTD | RER | Metals | Au | Producer | WA | www.regalresources.com.au/ | |
REGIS RESOURCES LTD | RRL | Metals | Au, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.regisresources.com/ | |
RENISON CONSOLIDATED MINES NL | RSN | Metals | Au | Re-direction | ?? | www.rcm.com.au/ | |
REPUBLIC GOLD LTD | RAU | Metals | Au, W | Explorer | Qld | www.republicgold.com.au/ | |
RESOLUTE MINING LTD | RSG | Metals | Au | Producer | Africa | www.resolute-ltd.com.au/ | |
RESOURCE AND INVESTMENT NL | RNI | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | RSA, WA, Angola, Brazil | www.rninl.com.au/ | |
RESOURCE BASE LTD | RBX | Metals | Au | Explorer | NSW | www.resourcebase.com.au/ | |
RESOURCE MINING CORPORATION LTD | RMI | Metals | Fe | Explorer | PNG, WA | www.resmin.com.au/ | |
REVERE MINING LTD | RVM | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.reveremining.com.au/ | |
REWARD MINERALS LTD | RWD | Metals | Potash | Emerging | WA | www.rewardminerals.com/ | |
REX MINERALS LTD | RXM | Metals | Au | Explorer | NSW, Victoria | www.rexminerals.com.au/ | |
RIMFIRE PACIFIC MINING NL | RIM | Gemstones, Metals | Pt, diamonds, Au | Explorer | NSW | www.rimfire.com.au/ | |
RIO TINTO LIMITED | RIO | Diversified | Various | Producer | Worldwide | www.riotinto.com/ | |
RMA ENERGY LTD | RMT | Metals | Coal, U, Sn | Explorer | Qld, NSW | www.rmaenergyltd.com/ | |
ROBUST RESOURCES LTD | ROL | Metals | Various | Explorer | NSW | www.robustresources.com.au/ | |
ROX RESOURCES LTD | RXL | Metals | Pb, Zn | Explorer | Laos | www.roxresources.com.au/ | |
ROYAL RESOURCES LTD | ROY | Metals, Energy | U, V, Fe, Pd, Au | Explorer | USA, WA | www.royalresources.com.au/ | |
ROYALCO RESOURCES LTD | RCO | Metals | Au | Royalties | Philippines | www.royalco.com.au/ | |
RUBICON RESOURCES LTD | RBR | Metals | Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.rubiconresources.com.au/ | |
RURALAUS INVESTMENTS LIMITED | RUR | Agriculture | Timber | Operating | WA | www.ruralaus.com.au/ | |
RUSINA MINING NL | RML | Metals | Ni, Cr | Emerging | Philippines | www.rusina.com.au/ | |
SABRE RESOURCES LTD | SBR | Metals, Energy | Ni, U | Explorer | WA, Tanzania | www.sabresources.com/ | |
SALLY MALAY MINING LTD | SMY | Metals | Ni | Producer | WA | www.sallymalay.com/ | |
SANDFIRE RESOURCES NL | SFR | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn, Au | Explorer | WA, NT | www.sandfire.com.au/ | |
SARACEN MINERAL HOLDINGS LTD | SAR | Metals | Au | Emerging | WA | www.saracen.com.au/ | |
SCIMITAR RESOURCES LIMITED | SIM | Energy | U | Explorer | SA | www.scimitarresources.com.au/ | |
SCOTGOLD RESOURCES LTD | SGZ | Metals | Au, Ag | Explorer | Scotland | www.scotgoldresources.com/ | |
SEGUE RESOURCES LTD | SEG | Metals | Ni, Cu, Au | Explorer | WA, NT | www.segueresources.com/ | |
SHAW RIVER RESOURCES LTD | SRR | Metals | Ni, Cu, Au | Explorer | WA | www.shawriver.com.au/ | |
SHIELD MINING LTD | SHX | Metals | U, Cu, Au, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Madagascar, Mauritania | www.shieldmining.com/ | |
SIERRA MINING LTD | SRM | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | PNG, Philippines | www.sierramining.com.au/ | |
SIGNATURE BRANDS LTD | SBL | Metals | ?? | Redirection | Australia | ||
SILVER LAKE RESOURCES LTD | SLR | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.silverlakeresources.com.au/ | |
SILVER MINES LTD | SVL | Metals | Ag | Explorer | NSW | www.silverminesltd.com.au/ | |
SILVER SWAN GROUP LTD | SWN | Metals | Ag | Explorer | SA | www.silverswangroup.com.au/ | |
SIMS GROUP LTD. | SGM | Metals | Scrap | Operating | Worldwide | www.sims-group.com/ | |
SINO GOLD MINING LTD | SGX | Metals | Au | Producer | China | www.sinogold.com.au/ | |
SINOVUS MINING LTD | SNV | Metals | Au, Ag, Mn | Explorer | China | www.sinovusmining.com/ | |
SIPA RESOURCES LTD | SRI | Metals | Explorer | Australia | www.sipa.com.au/ | ||
SOUTH BOULDER MINES LTD | STB | Metals | www.southbouldermines.com.au/ | ||||
SOUTHERN CROSS EXPLORATION N.L. | SXX | Metals | Au, Mn | Explorer | NT, Victoria, Philippines, Iran | www.scxnl.com/ | |
SOUTHERN CROSS GOLDFIELDS LTD | SXG | Metals | Au, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.scross.com.au/ | |
SOUTHERN GOLD LTD | SAU | Metals | Au | Explorer | SA, Cambodia | www.southerngold.com.au/ | |
SOVEREIGN METALS LTD | SVM | Metals, Energy | Cu, Au, U | Explorer | WA, Qld | www.sovereignmetals.com.au/ | |
SPHERE INVESTMENTS LTD | SPH | Metals | Fe | Emerging | Africa | www.sphereinvestments.com.au/ | |
SPITFIRE RESOURCES LTD | SPI | Metals | Mn | Emerging | WA | www.spitfireresources.com/ | |
ST BARBARA LTD | SBM | Metals | Au | Producer | WA | www.stbarbara.com.au/ | |
STELLAR RESOURCES LTD | SRZ | Metals, Energy | U, Au, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | NSW, TAS, SA | www.stellarresources.com.au/ | |
STIRLING MINERALS LTD | SMZ | Metals | Au, Pb, Cu, Zn | Explorer | NSW | www.stirlingminerals.com.au/ | |
STONEHENGE METALS LTD | SHE | Metals | Pb, Zn, Ag, Ni, Cu, Sn | Explorer | TAS, Indonesia | www.stonehengemetals.com.au/ | |
STRAITS RESOURCES LTD | SRL | Metals, Energy | Coal, Cu, Au | Producer | NSW, WA, Indonesia | www.straits.com.au/ | |
STRATEGIC MINERALS CORPORATION NL | SMC | Metals | Au | Emerging | Qld | www.stratmin.com.au/ | |
STRIKE RESOURCES LTD | SRK | Metals | Fe | Explorer | Australia, Peru, Indonesia | www.strikeresources.com.au/ | |
SUB-SAHARA RESOURCES NL | SBS | Metals | Au | Emerging | Africa | www.subsahara.com.au/ | |
SUMMIT RESOURCES LTD | SMM | Metals, Energy | U, V | Emerging | Qld | www.summitresources.com.au/ | |
SUNDANCE RESOURCES LTD | SDL | Metals | Fe, Cu, Au, Pb, Zn | Explorer | West Africa | www.sundanceresources.com.au/ | |
SUPERIOR RESOURCES LTD | SPQ | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Qld | ||
SYLVANIA RESOURCES LTD | SLV | Metals | Pt, Pd | Explorer | RSA | www.sylvaniaresources.com/ | |
SYMEX HOLDINGS LIMITED | SYM | Chemicals | Soap | Operating | Australia | www.symex.com.au/ | |
SYNDICATED METALS LTD | SMD | Metals | Cu, Au, Mo, Pb, Zn, U | Explorer | Qld, WA | www.syndicatedmetals.com | |
SYNERGY METALS LTD | SML | Metals | Au | Explorer | Victoria | www.synergymetals.com.au/ | |
SYRAH RESOURCES LTD | SYR | Metals | Cu | Explorer | Qld | www.syrahresources.com.au/ | |
TAKORADI LTD | TKG | Metals | Cu, Au | Explorer | Worldwide | ||
TALISMAN MINING LTD | TLM | Metals | Fe, Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.talismanmining.com.au/ | |
TAMAYA RESOURCES LTD | TMR | Metals | Cu, Au | Producer | Chile | www.tamayaresources.com/ | |
TANAMI GOLD NL | TAM | Metals | Cu, Au | Emerging | NT, Victoria, Philippines, Iran | www.tanami.com.au/ | |
TASMAN GOLDFIELDS LTD | TGX | Metals | Au | Explorer | NZ, NSW | www.tasmangoldfields.com.au/ | |
TASMAN RESOURCES NL | TAS | Metals | Au, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag | Explorer | SA | www.tasmanresources.com.au/ | |
TASMANIA MINES LTD | TMM | Metals | Fe | Producer | TAS | ||
TAWANA RESOURCES NL | TAW | Metals | Gemstones | Diamonds | WA | www.tawana.com.au/ | |
TECTONIC RESOURCES NL | TTR | Metals | Cu, Au, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.tectonicres.com.au/ | |
TERRAIN MINERALS LTD | TMX | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.terrainminerals.com.au/ | |
TERRAMIN AUSTRALIA LTD. | TZN | Metals | Pb, Zn | Emerging | Spain | www.terramin.com.au/ | |
TERRITORY RESOURCES LTD | TTY | Metals | Fe | Emerging | NT | www.territoryiron.com.au/ | |
TERRITORY URANIUM COMPANY LIMITED | TUC | Energy | U, Au, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NT | www.territoryuranium.com.au/ | |
TFS CORPORATION LIMITED | TFC | Agriculture | Timber | Operating | WA | www.tfsltd.com.au/ | |
THOR MINING PLC | THR | Metals | Mo. W, U | Emerging | NT | www.thormining.com/ | |
THUNDELARRA EXPLORATION LTD | THX | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Producer | Qld | www.thundelarra.com/ | |
TIANSHAN GOLDFIELDS LTD | TGF | Metals | Au | Emerging | China | www.tianshangoldfields.com.au/ | |
TIARO COAL LIMITED | TCM | Energy | Coal | Emerging | Qld | www.tiarocoal.com.au/ | |
TIGER RESOURCES LTD | TGS | Metals | Cu, Co, Au# | Explorer | Congo, Brazil | www.tigerresources.de/ | |
TIMBERCORP LIMITED | TIM | Agriculture | Timber | Operating | NSW, Victoria | www.timbercorp.com.au/ | |
TNG LTD | TNG | Metals | Au, Cu | Explorer | NT | www.tngltd.com.au/ | |
TRAFFORD RESOURCES LTD | TRF | Metals | Au | Explorer | SA, WA | www.traffordresources.com/ | |
TRAKA RESOURCES LIMITED | TKL | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | www.trakaresources.com.au/ | |
TRANSIT HOLDINGS LTD | TRH | Metals | Fe, Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | WA | www.transitholdings.com.au/ | |
TRI ORIGIN MINERALS LTD | TRO | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | www.trioriginminerals.com.au/ | |
TRIBUNE RESOURCES NL | TBR | Metals | Au | Re-emerging | Australia | www.tribune.com.au | |
TROY RESOURCES NL | TRY | Metals | Au | Producer | Australia | www.try.com.au/ | |
TRUSCOTT MINING CORPORATION LTD | TRM | Metals | Au | Explorer | NT, WA | www.truscottmining.com.au/ | |
UNION RESOURCES LTD | UCL | Metals | Zn, Pb | Emerging | Iran | www.unionresources.com.au/ | |
UNITED MINERALS CORPORATION NL | UMC | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | |
UNIVERSAL RESOURCES LTD | URL | Metals | Cu | Emerging | Qld | www.universalresources.com.au/ | |
URAMET MINERALS LTD | URM | Metals | U, Pb, Zn | Explorer | NT | www.uramet.com.au/ | |
URAN LIMITED | URA | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | ?? | |
VECTOR RESOURCES LTD | VEC | Metals | ?? | Explorer | WA | www.vectorresources.com.au/ | |
VENTURE MINERALS LIMITED | VMS | Energy | U | Explorer | Australia | www.ventureminerals.com.au/ | |
VENUS RESOURCES LIMITED | VNS | Gemstones | Diamonds | Explorer | WA | www.venusresources.com.au/ | |
VIETNAM INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENTS LIMITED | VII | Building | Steel | Operating | Vietnam | www.vii.net.au/ | |
VIEW RESOURCES LTD | VRE | Metals | Ni, Au | Emerging | WA | www.viewresources.com.au/ | |
VITAL METALS LTD | VML | Metals | W, Mo | Emerging | Qld | www.vitalmetals.com.au/ | |
VULCAN RESOURCES LTD | VCN | Metals | Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, Au | Emerging | WA, Finland | www.vulcanresources.com.au/ | |
WARWICK RESOURCES LTD | WRK | Metals | Cu, Au, U, Cr, Pb, Zn | Explorer | WA | www.warwickresources.com.au/ | |
WASHINGTON RESOURCES LTD | WRL | Metals | U, W | Explorer | NT, WA | www.washingtonresources.com.au/ | |
WATTYL LIMITED | WYL | Building | Paint | Operating | Australia | www.wattyl.com.au/ | |
WCP RESOURCES LTD | WCP | Metals | Cu, Au, Pt, U, Pb, Zn | Explorer | SA | www.wcpd.com.au/ | |
WARALIAN METALS LTD | WME | Energy | U | Explorer | Namibia | www.wametals.com.au/ | |
WEST WITS MINING LTD | WWI | Metals | Au | Explorer | RSA | www.westwitsmining.com/ | |
WESTERN AREAS NL | WSA | Metals | Ni | Producer | WA | www.westernareas.com.au/ | |
WESTERN DESERT RESOURCES LTD | WDR | Metals | U, Au, Pb, Zn, Cu | Explorer | NT | www.westerndesertresources.com.au/ | |
WESTERN METALS LTD | WMT | Metals | Cu, Pb, Zn | Explorer | Australia, Tanzania, USA, Peru | www.westernmetals.com.au/ | |
WESTERN PLAINS RESOURCES LTD | WPG | Metals | Fe | Explorer | SA | www.westernplainsgold.com.au/ | |
WESTGOLD RESOURCES LTD | WGR | Metals | Cu, Au, Pt, U, Pb, Zn | Explorer | SA | www.westgold.com.au/ | |
WESTONIA MINES LTD | WEZ | Metals | Au | Explorer | WA | www.westoniamines.com.au/ | |
WHITE CLIFF NICKEL LTD | WCN | Metals | Ni, Au | Explorer | WA | www.wcnickel.com.au/ | |
WHITE ENERGY COMPANY LTD | WEC | Metals, Energy | Ni, clean coal | Tech | Australia | www.whiteenergyco.com.au/ | |
WILLMOTT FORESTS LIMITED | WFL | Agriculture | Timber | Operating | Victoria | www.willmottforests.com.au/ | |
WINDIMURRA VANADIUM LTD | WVL | Metals | V | Emerging | WA | www.pmal.com.au/ | |
WINDY KNOB RESOURCES LTD | WKR | Metals | Au, Ni | Explorer | WA | www.windyknobresources.com.au/ | |
WOLF MINERALS LTD | WLF | Metals | Sn, W | Explorer | NSW | www.wolfminerals.com.au/ | |
XENOLITH RESOURCES LIMITED | XEN | Energy | U | Explorer | Australia, Canada | ||
YTC RESOURCES LTD | YTC | Metals | Cu, Au, Sn | Explorer | NSW | www.ytcresources.com/ | |
ZAMBEZI RESOURCES LTD | ZRL | Metals, Energy | Cu, Au, U | Explorer | Zambia | www.zambeziresources.com/ | |
ZAMIA GOLD MINES LTD | ZGM | Metals | Au | Explorer | Qld | www.zamiagold.com.au/ | |
ZEDEX MINERALS LTD | ZDX | Metals | Au | Explorer | Asia Pacific | www.zedex.com.au/ | |
ZIMPLATS HOLDINGS LTD | ZIM | Metals | Pt, Pd | Producer | Zimbabwe | www.zimplats.com/ | |
ZINC CO AUSTRALIA LTD | ZNC | Metals | Zn, W, Mo | Explorer | Malaysia, Australia | www.zincco.com.au/ | |
ZINIFEX LTD | ZFX | Metals | Zn, Pb | Smelter, Producer | NSW | www.zincco.com.au/ | |